Department of Clinical Engineering
Faculty of Biomedical Engineering
Toin University of Yokohama

    Jouhou Kenkou Biyou Laboratoy
(Information, Health & Beauty Lab)
桐 蔭 横 浜 大 学
医用工学部 臨床工学科

JKBホーム JKBマインド JKBメンバー 研究内容 学術資料 ギャラリー

★ 研究分野(Research Fields)

   (Medical System Integration Engineering)

   (Welfare & Environment Engineering)

   (Magnetic therapy for Health,Beauty & Anti-aging

   (Educational Technology)

   (Robotics & Mechatronics)


★ 主要な論文(Selected Paper)

  1. Takeshi Morishita, Osamu TOJO: "Integer inverse kinematics for arm control of compact autonomous robot ", In Journal of Artificial Life and Robotics, Volume 22(4), pp435-442,Jun.2017, 10.1007/s10015-017-0379-9, Springer.
    Best Paper Award :最優秀論文賞 (AROB 22nd 2017)

  2. Takeshi Morishita: "Simple observation sensor system and local community network model ", In Journal of Artificial Life and Robotics,Volume 22(3), pp289-295, 2017, DOI 10.1007/s10015-017-0363-4, Springer.
    Kanagawa Prefectural Governor Award : 神奈川県知事賞

  3. 森下 武志, 山本 愛里紗, 市山 友里香, :"振動を用いた人工心肺用動脈フィルター内残留気泡除去装置の試作",日本医療機器学会論文集., Vol. 87, No3, pp337-340, 2017)

  4. Takeshi MORISHITA, Osamu TOJO: "Integer Inverse Kinematics Method Using Fuzzy Logic ", In Journal of Intelligent Service Robotics, Volume 6(2), pp101-108, 2013, DOI 10.1007/s11370-012-0115-1, Springer.

  5. Takeshi Morishita:"Creating Attraction for Technical Education Material and Educational Benefit", In Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics,Vol.23, N05, pp.665-675, 2011.

  6. Takeshi Morishita, Tetsuro Yabuta:"Stereo Vision :", InTech Education and Publishing Book, 372 pages, ISBN 978-953-7619-22-0, pp221-234, 2008.

  7. 森下武志,藪田哲郎:"小型自律ロボットのためのCMOSイメージセンサを用いた小型両眼視覚ワンボードセンサモジュールの開発と適用",日本機械学会論文集(C).Vol.73, No726, pp363-370, 2007.

  8. 森下武志,藪田哲郎:"視覚認識行動自律型ロボットを用いた高校生向け技術教育プログラムの実践",日本機械学会論文集(C).Vol.73 No.725, pp16-23, 2007.

  9. Kei Okada, Takeshi Morishita, Marika Hayashi, Masayuki Inaba, Hirochika Inoue : "Design and Development of Small Stereo Vision Sensor Module for Small Self-Contained Autonomous Robots", Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol. 17, No. 3, pp 248-254, 2005.

  10. Takeshi Morishita, Kei Okada, Masayuki Inaba, Hirochika Inoue."Development of the stereo vision sensor module for a small autonomous robot using a small camera for cellular phone ", Proceedings of the Robotics and Mechatronics Conference 2004, 2P1-L2-39, DOI:10.1299 / jsmermd.2004.162_4.
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★ 学術研究活動 (Academic Research activities)

 Compact Stereo Vision 3D-Recognition Robots and Application to 3 & 23DOF Self-Contained Autonomous Robots

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 Integer Inverse Kinematics and Application to Small Autonomous Humanoid Robots
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 Simple observation sensor system and local community network model
 - Real society experiment on solitary death prevention for low-income single elderly residents in collective housing -

  Abstract: This paper proposes a sensor system for monitoring elderly residents living alone in low-income housing, and a local community network model to support these residents. This observation sensor system estimates living conditions by detecting entry point door movement, and safety information on the target residents is delivered to family and support staff via e-mail. Additionally, the sensor unit is equipped with a networked flash-lighting and e-mail warning function to notify those in the community about accidents. Design and development costs were minimized by dispersing the flash-light emitting unit of the sensor unit on multiple units, making this a feasible option for low-income elderly residents. In addition, we implemented this sensor system and operated the local community network model at a collective housing to test its efficacy as a new system in real world conditions. We present that this community network prevents the isolation of the elderly residents using the sensor system installed in their community, and improves communication between residents, their families, and their neighbors, thereby improving their safety. We also show that the community network prevents the isolation of elderly people by quietly keeping constant involvement with people in broader society, and is a social network system aimed at preventing solitary death.
 Automatic control system with compact microcomputer at the reservoir level in artificial heart-lung machine

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★ 森下教授の実践!ロボットワールド (Professor Morishita's ROBOCON World) 

競技ロボット編 (Robot Athletes)

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マイコンカー競技(Microcomputer Controlled Car Race)

 Robot race competing for running speed (running time) along the line on the course.
 They are called the MICOM-CAR (microprocessing car) and or the line tracing robots in Japan.
High speed information processing and high mechanical hardware control (accelerator work and handling) are required.
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 相撲ロボット競技(Sumo Robot Wrestling)

 This robot is an autonomous robot type of automatic control by a microcomputer without human operation.
This is a battle where these two robots push each other on a ring of 1.5 m in diameter.
Winning is to push out outside the ring.The rules are simple.
Besides robot performance and tactical negotiation, psychological warfare is also a key to victory and it is very difficult to win.
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